
Don’t Over Edit - Testimonials work best when they are in “real” language. Those small grammar and language quirks help the reader connect and demonstrate they are real.

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Use Testimonials That Fit - Place appropriate testimonials along with a particular point that you are trying to make.

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Address Objections - If a prospect discovers that another customer’s worries have proved groundless, then that person is more confident to reach for the wallet.

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Never Fake It - While testimonials are crucial, it’s not worth the risk to fake them. Most people have well-trained BS detectors that can smell a fake a mile away.

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Encourage Specifics - Specificity works in all areas of copywriting, but is especially effective in a testimonial. Rather than “we saw a big improvement,” get your customer to state exactly what the improvement was, such as “we saw a 217% improvement.”

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A Testimonial is generally a piece of written text, and occasionally audio or video, that expresses satisfaction about a product or service a person or company has received. The person giving the testimonial, as well as the person receiving it, can be a private individual or a company.

Testimonials are sometimes known as Endorsements, although this is usually a term reserved for celebrities when they approve the use of a product such as perfumes, food or sports equipment.

In summary, testimonials form a very important part of word-of-mouth recommendation and referral strategies. They are particularly effective for small businesses, or young companies as they seek to build their client base before they have had a chance to develop a strong, well-known brand.

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We are a unique business that consults in multiple disciplines within the healthcare sector. We provide integrated services to assist our clients from concept to completion.

We provide clients with support at any stage in a property development or business cycle, anywhere in Australia.

Our professional expertise covers research, capital transactions, business services, property services- which includes property development and project management, communications and marketing.

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(02) 8354 1984



The Health Project Services  head office is located at:

Suite 1, 116 Victoria Street, Potts Point NSW, 2011
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